Friday, May 30, 2008

The Firefighters!

Here is a picture of Christian with his Uncle Johnny. Christian found this hat the other day in Michael's closet and wears it around the house almost every day. Who knows...maybe he'll grow up to be a firefighter like his Uncle Johnny!

Bowling with Friends

Michael had a birthday party last weekend for one of the boys in his class. He had a great time bowling and thought it was "cool" that each child got their own cupcake.

Michael's End of the Year Program

Michael and Jacob

The Pledge of Allegiance

Here are some pictures from the End of the Year Program at Michael's school. I can't believe how big my little boy is getting! The children did a great job singing their favorite songs for all of us. You should have seen them...they were too precious!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I Just Don't Understand

As most of you all know, Christian enjoys sucking on lemons. Whenever he sees me drinking iced tea he practically makes a bee line for my glass and won't give up until he gets his lemon. Here is a picture of Christian "enjoying" a lemon.

Look at his facial looks like he is in pain, but he continued to suck that lemon dry!

Happy 21st Birthday David

My little brother turned 21 last about feeling old. I remember the day he was born and it seems like yesterday that I was changing his diapers and teaching him how to swim. I hope you have a wonderful birthday and a great year!
This was Uncle Dave's birthday cake- I baked it and Kim did the decorating!

Here is Dave having his first drink as a 21 year old. Of course we all know that was not David's first alcoholic beverage...just his first drink that he enjoyed LEGALLY!

The birthday boy and his girlfriend, Kim. What a cute couple!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Silly Hats

Here are some funny pictures that were taken at the mall tonight. The boys were getting a little fussy towards the end of the shopping trip so I decided to make them laugh a bit with a game we like to play at home.

Michael has always been a big fan of Barney and he really enjoyed when Barney and his friends played the "Silly Hat" game. This is something that we do occasionally around the house, but tonight I decided to try on some funny hats at the mall. We were even able to get Daddy to play with us!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Fun at the Mall

I had to run to the mall today to pick up a couple of things for this weekend. I made a deal with the boys that they could ride three rides if they behaved while I did my shopping. Here are some pictures of Michael and Christian really having a lot of fun!

FYI - we had to sing "The Wheels on the Bus" while the ride was in motion. Several people passed and must have though we were all nuts. It's amazing what you will do in public for your children.

Michael wanted to know why this spaceship didn't have a top cover on it. He informed me that every spaceship needed a top or the people riding it would get hit in the head with all the stars. I tell you, he really makes me laugh with the things he comes up with.

Driving Miss Dasiy

This Sunday we went to Uncle Byron's house for a Bar-B-Q, but we had to make a quick stop at the grocery store before we could head to the party. While Jason ran into to the grocery grab a few things Michael begged me to let him "drive" Daddy's car. You should have heard him...he was making all kinds of sounds and even yelled, "watch out you crazy fool!"

Well, I nearly died! This just goes to show you the little ears pick up everything! Thank goodness he spends more time in the car with Mommy because who knows what he would have picked up from Daddy:)

Friday, May 2, 2008

On Top of Spaghetti

We went out to dinner with Michelle and Pops this week. The boys were very well behaved and enjoyed their "Italian" dinners. Michael is wanting to do things all by himself lately so he insisted that we not help him with his meal. Things did get a bit messy.

Michael likes crackers but Christian prefers to suck on lemons.

What a mess!

Jumping Jacks

Michael has been involved in gymnastics for almost a year now. He started off in the Tiny Tots class and has advanced to the Jumping Jacks class, which is for 3 and 4 year olds. Michael absolutely loves going to gymnastics and we can see improvement in his overall coordination. Here are some pictures from his last class. My flash wasn't working for all the shots...sorry.

"Baby Bryan" Isn't a Baby Anymore

I received updated photos of my very sweet nephew the other day. Michael was so excited to his cousin...we must have studied each picture for minutes. Michael was very surprised to see that his baby cousin had teeth and was wearing shoes! We are hoping to see Chip, Kristin, and Bryan sometime this summer!